Enchanted by Kianna Alexander

Enchanted by Kianna Alexander

Author:Kianna Alexander
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: historical romance, victorian historical romance, african american romance, beverly jenkins, brenda jackson, american historical romance, historical fiction
Publisher: Kianna Alexander
Published: 2020-12-15T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seven

“Don’t fall behind, Carter!”

As he watched Deidra and her mare, Feather, race across the field ahead of him, he smiled to himself. She lay low over the mare’s back, handling the horse with grace. Deidra was full of sass and fire and he loved seeing it come to the surface. He urged Smoke to pick up the pace, so he could catch up with her.

The top layer of the ground was still moist and soft. Overnight and during the morning hours, the recent snowfall had begun to melt, leaving behind the damp, loamy earth that now scented the air. As he breathed in the rich aroma, he was reminded of how much he enjoyed late winter rides.

Snapping himself back to the moment at hand, he concentrated on following Deidra. She was leading him to a place outside town that she said was popular with her girls when men requested dates in a more private setting. Having no idea where this place was, he thought it best to keep up with her.

The ride took them across the clearing, through a grove of towering trees and into a second clearing. Deidra halted her horse and dismounted. There, in the winter brown grass, stood an aged cabin. The structure, built from logs and lashed together with rope, was the only thing in sight.

“Whose place is this?” He got down from Smoke’s back and looked around.

“I haven’t a clue. It’s been abandoned for years.” She dropped the hood of her heavy wool cloak, revealing her lovely face. “We’ve been using it ever since the club opened, and no one has ever questioned it. We assumed the previous owner was either deceased, or simply moved away.”

From the looks of it, the place had fallen into disrepair. “Is this where you were going to stay, until you decided what to do next?”

She shook her head. “No. It needs too much work. Besides, my trunks would never fit inside—the place is too small.”

“I see.” He had to agree with that since her trunks were currently taking up about half of his cabin. He’d been stepping around them for three days now, but her company was so pleasant, he really didn’t mind the inconvenience.

She started walking toward the structure and he followed her. Once they were inside, he could see why the place had been popular with the girls—the exterior belied the inside. The cozy interior held only four pieces of furniture—a table, two chairs and a good-sized bed. One entire wall was occupied by a large fireplace and stack of wood rested nearby.

Tossing a few pieces of the wood into the fireplace, he started to light the fire. “The inside looks very well kept.”

She slipped out of her cloak and laid it across one of the wooden chairs. “The girls fixed it up a bit when they started coming here. They even patched the roof.” Smoothing her hands over her skirt, she took a seat in the chair with her cloak. “When you’ve got the fire going, come over and talk to me, Carter.


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